Product Photography Gallery

Specialty Product Photos

When you really want your product to stand out, specialty product photos are the perfect way to do it! These types of images are great for social media, website headers or feature images, print, catalogs, articles and more. Specialty photos may involve the use of water, fire, levitation, reflections or action shots. I will work with you to design and photograph the perfect image to highlight your products! This gallery contains some samples of my specialty product photos. You may click on the images to enlarge them.
Ditch stock photography and make your brand memorable with my custom specialty product photos. From concept to completion, these image assets will definitely draw the attention of consumers!

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You may also text me at: 410-596-4127 or E-mail me at:

360 Product Photos Help Increase Sales

360° Product Photo - GIF
360º Product Photos
360º Product Photos
coffee 360º product photos

What is a 360º product photo and how can it help you sell more product?

The 360º product photo is actually a combination of images that allow consumers to spin and see all sides of your product. This overall view grabs attention, creates engagement and builds confidence in product quality. reported 360º rotating images increased conversion rates between 10 - 40% on their website. reported an increase of 27% in conversions. Overall, 70% of marketers who use 360º rotating product photos say they have increased engagement. *

Another benefit is helping to reduce returns. When a consumer can see all sides of your product, they are more comfortable that it is the product they want. Reduced returns mean savings.

Interactive 360º rotating photos can be used with viewer software that can be added to your website. Online retailers like Amazon already have this software, so you only need to upload the 360º images to their website.

360's are also useful as videos and moving GIF files. You can use these formats on social media, in advertising and in emails. They help attract attention, engagement and encourage lead generation on these platforms.

If you are thinking about 360º product photos, let's talk to determine if it will benefit your product.


* - Source: