More Ideas To Improve Your Product Images

In my last article, I shared ways to improve your e-commerce product images. After publishing it, I realized I could share a few more ideas to improve your product photos.

In business, you constantly want to increase your conversion rate. You tweak headlines, copy and offers to try and increase conversions. The same should be true of your product images.

Just because you think you have a winning image, you shouldn’t assume that is the best image to make a sale. Instead, you should consider A/B testing your product photos to see which one better converts.

With A/B testing, you want to change little things. If you change a lot, you won’t be sure what caused the increase or decrease in sales. With product images, this is a simple switch that your web designer can assist you with.


Below are some suggestions:

Improve Your Product Photos Conversion Rate With A/B Testing:


Try white background photos vs. color background that compliments the product, or features your brand color(s).

Show your product in different settings.

Use photos of your product being used in different ways.

Try images with hand models, visible model and no model.

Include customer photos on your product page.

Try zoom photos against additional close up shots of your product.

Test your current photos against different photo sizes.

See if consumers prefer a photo gallery or a slideshow of images.

See if 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 images of a product convert better.

Include group shots with related products and include links to those pages to see if you can increase your total sale.

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Remember that just as in a physical store, items are placed to capture the eye and lead to additional purchases.

The consumer’s path on your website or in your e-commerce store is a journey.

You want to make the journey as easy and enticing as possible.

Your simple product photos can become the welcome consumers need to generate purchases!

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