Why hire a professional product photographer when you can just take pictures yourself?

Phone cameras have come a long way and filters can do a lot. So why invest in a product photographer?

According to MIT neuroscientists, the brain can identify images seen for as little as 13 milliseconds. That’s faster than you can blink your eye.

Lunio says that as of 2021, the average person is now estimated to encounter between 6,000 to 10,000 ads every single day.

Product photographers are trained to direct people’s eyes around your images so they land on the product.

There is a phsycology to creating a product photograph that relates to your target audience and encourages the sale.

That’s just one reason, why don’t we take a look at some others …


Top 6 reasons to hire a professional product photographer


1. Photography is art.


Professional photographers don’t just take pictures, they create art.

They’ve got a trained eye and understand how to look at aspects of a setting an amateur doesn’t see. They consider the lighting, colors, lines, composition and staging of each shot.

If something needs to be adjusted, angled, raised, lowered, smoothed, or changed, it can be done before the shutter is snapped. This saves you time later trying to correct any mistakes or having to reshoot the image.

The ability to “see” unique angles allows a trained photographer to create more than the typical straight on shot. This talent can showcase your products in ways that are superior to your competition.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a quality product photo is worth tens of thousands of dollars or more.

(And that right there is a very good reason to hire a professional photographer …)


marco product photography for brand awareness featuring a Patron cork


2. They have the proper equipment.


Every photo style requires the right lighting, lens,camera and setting. Investing in flashes, multiple lenses, camera bodies, backdrops and props isn’t cheap.

Knowing exactly how to use these tools to achieve the image results you are looking for takes years of training and experimentation. For the best results, you don’t want to skimp on this advantage.


3. Professional photographers have post production skills.


To sell your products, they need to look like the best version of what they are. You want a true to life look that presents it at its best.

Product photographers have the skills and software to retouch photos after the shoot. Your products will shine in the final image as the consumer’s eye will be drawn toward it.

Editing product photos can be extremely challenging if you don’t know what you are doing. Colors must match. Accurate images reduce returns which can save your company money.


creative product photographer in Maryland for Oasis Instrument Humidifiers.

4. Product photographers understand the marketplace.


Need images for your website? Not a problem, they can create optimized images that will load fast to keep browsers happy.

Selling on Amazon? Your images will be shot and edited to meet their guidelines and be ready for upload.

Creating a print ad? Facebook ad? Or Instagram ad? You won’t have to fret the details, a professional product photographer can deliver the images in the format you need.

Want social media images for Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or LinkedIn? You are out of luck … I’m kidding, of course we can do that.


5. You can relax and know things are being handled properly.


You have more important things to do than try to take your own product, service or business photos. Hiring a professional product photographer will provide you with better results than you could get yourself.

Plus, no hassle!

Establishing a business relationship with a photographer you can rely on makes sense. You’ll have someone who understands your brand, look and goals who can work with you to provide the assets you need.

And that brings us to reason number 6 – it is worth scrolling down so don’t stop here!

why hire a professional product photographer in Maryland? To get amazing images like this Macro of a watch face that features it's internal gears.

6. You will earn returns on your investment.


A quality image by a trained artist who understands the market, consumers and learns about your target audience – is gold!

Product photography may not be inexpensive, but the returns on well designed and executed images can be immense.


And that is why you should hire a professional product photographer.


  • If you are tired of trying to take your own photos and want to step up your game …
  • If you’ve worked with a product photographer before and it didn’t turn out as expected …
  • If you want to create brand awareness …
  • If you want to enhance or totally revamp your brand …


Don’t let poor quality photos ruin your brand.

Start your journey to jaw-dropping product photos.

Fill out the form below to schedule a free, no obligation consultation call to learn how I can help you increase sales and raise awareness for your brand.

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Take a minute to fill out the form below. Doing so will help me understand your product photography needs. Once I receive your information, I'll reach out to you personally to discuss the project in more detail and create a customized quote for you.

You may also text me at: 410-596-4127 or E-mail me at: tom@tomcrowl.com